4545 Brott Road

Ruby, MI   48049

In case of emergencies call 911
Fire Department
David Dortman
Fire Chief



Fire Department
Joshua Isaac
Assistant Fire Chief


Fire Department
Sherry Beiser-Walter


Fire Department
Karl Moses
1st Lieutenant


Fire Department
Nick Hudgens
2nd Lieutenant


Fire Department
Aaron Bazydlo
3rd Lieutenant


Fire Department
Joe Marcero
4th Lieutenant


Welcome to the Clyde Township Fire Department web page. The Clyde Township Fire Department currently operates out of a fire station located at 4545 Brott Road in Ruby. The department was established in 1971 and covers the western area of Clyde Township bordered by Cribbins, Metcalf, Abbottsford, and Vincent Roads and the majority of the Port Huron State Game Area. We also provide automatic mutual aid to our contract partners in the eastern section of the township.

The department is currently a "paid on call department" that averages 180 calls for service a year, providing fire and medical first responder services to our residents.

Employment Opportunity

Clyde Township is accepting applications for paid on-call firefighters and/or Medical First Responders.

Within two years applicants must become certified to the level of Firefighter 2 and/or Medical First Responder.*

We allow applicants to join and operate as a Firefighter or Medical First Responder or both.**

*All training is paid for by the township.

**Please see individual job descriptions.


Burning Permits

Burning Permits are issued through the Township Office.

Applicants will obtain an annual permit from the township office. This annual permit expires on December 31st of the year it was obtained. No Calls Necessary after you receive your annual permit.

Reminder: The person obtaining a burning permit shall be responsible for all fire suppression costs and any other liability resulting from damage caused by the fire. Violation of the permit or burning without a permit will result in a municipal civil fraction fine not to exceed a maximum of $500.00.

Burning Permit Application (Clyde Township)

Burning Permit Ordinance #65A

Burning Permits for Kimball Township

If you are a Clyde Township resident living east of Wadhams Road, you are required to obtain a permit issued by Kimball Township. There is a $15 charge for burning permits in Kimball Township. Click here for more information.

Reflective Address Signs

Reflective Address Marker forms are available at the Township Office, or you can click on the link below to fill out an application. The cost is $18.00. For more information contact the Fire Department at 810-324-2380.

Reflective Address Application